Sunday, February 14, 2016

Krzysztof Wodiczko

Krzystof Wodiczko's provocative art in public spaces addresses many issues.

The Tijuana Projection: Live first-person testimonies focusing on a variety of issues affecting women in Tijuana: work related abuse, sexual abuse, alcoholism, and domestic violence. 

Plans for the Tijuana Project

"What are our cities? Are they environments that are trying to say something to us? Are they environments in which we communicate with each other? Or are they perhaps the environments of things that we don't see, of silences, of the voices which we don't, or would rather not hear. The places of all those back alleys where perhaps the real public space is, where the experiences of which we should be speaking, where voices that we should be listening to, are hidden in the shadows of monuments and memorials" Krzystof Wodiczko about Hirshorn Museum Projection

The Homeless Vehicle

Plans for the Homeless Vehicle

Damien Hirst: Turner Prize Winner

Damien Hirst, Turner Prize Winner 1995, consistently redefining the boundaries of art.

The Physical Impossibility of Death in the Mind of Someone Living,
Glass, steel, shark in formaldehyde

For the Love of God, Platinum, diamonds, teeth. 

Concertina, Scalpel Blades and Hammerite paint on Canvas

Who's Afraid of the Dark,
Flies and Resin on canvas

Thursday, February 11, 2016

The Story Within: Symbolic Portraits

8th Grade portraits influenced by Giuseppe Arcimboldo. Each student studied contour line drawings, color, value,  and composition to create a series of images, symbols, and metaphors to tell the story within the silhouette of someone inspirational to him or her.

Ann Hamilton

Ann Hamilton is known for her vast large-scale interactive installations. (full bio)

The Human Carriage
cloth, wire, bells, books, stringpipe
pulleyspagescable, gravity, air, sound

Indigo Blue
Media: blue work clothing, steel and wood base, wood table, chair, light bulb, 
books (military regulation manuals, blue bindings), saliva, 
pink pearl erasers, erasures, net sack, soybeans

Still Life
Media: eucalyptus leaves, parrafin wax, a table, white shirts, singed and gilded, 
the sound of opera, a vaporizor, a tree branch, ashes

Ann Hamilton on Art21: "The Event of a Thread"

Martin Boyce: Turner Prize Winner

Martin Boyce: Turner Prize winner 2001: 
Excellent use of space and form as Martin Boyce transforms and amplifies those everyday objects into an interactive surreal environment. (BBC)

Tate Shots Video

An Article from The Guardian

Wednesday, February 10, 2016


JR places face to face the people who normally only see their neighbors in the media.

JR: Using Art to Turn the World inside out

Women are Heroes

Monday, February 8, 2016

Pedro Reyes: DISARM

Pedro Reyes, Turning weapons into instruments.

"The Purpose of my art is to come up with ways to transform the most negative instincts into creative instincts"

"I want my work to be useful for a social and psychological transformation."

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Vik Muniz: Wasteland

Vik Muniz Transforming trash to help transform lives directly affected by the trash they work with.

CLICK HERE for More Works from Vik Muniz